What are the next steps in this research? While we gathered a large amount of public data, collecting more internal information from these faculties will be telling. Having access to internal information such as course syllabi across music faculties will offer scholars the opportunity of deeper analysis on topics of curriculum, and representation within the classrooms. Collecting data that reflects the student experiences based on student surveys would also be an excellent source of data to analyze the way a faculty represents themselves versus the true experience of students within the faculty. Work on equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization will always be ongoing and therefore our research must be ongoing as well. As more research is done similarly to our research project, we hope faculties of music view our work and spend time reflecting on their faculty of music. It is imperative that scholars spend time viewing the progression of faculties of music and study their institutional changes as the world around us changes over time.
Lingering Issues
Cynthia Lê & Sara Shifaw
Updated: Sep 4, 2021